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roofing home Littleton mold on flat roof

The most common cause of roof mold is the proliferation of algae – here is how these growths appear and thrive and what you can do to get rid of them.

Warm, Humid and Shady Conditions

Algae like warm, moist environments that are sheltered from direct sunshine. If your roof is exposed to prolonged rainy periods, the structure will not be able to dry properly between two rainy spells and will remain damp even after the rainy period is over. When the weather turns warm again, the damp roof provides conditions that are just perfect for algae to proliferate.

Mold Removal Methods

There are several great methods available. The least expensive and simplest one is to wash the roof with a mixture that consists of 1 part of water and 1 part of bleach. Don’t use a pressure washer to apply the solution – a water jet that is too strong might damage your roof – and make sure to rinse of the solution thoroughly with clean water after you are done removing the mold. When the mold is gone, it is a good idea to install zinc or copper stripes underneath the roof covering material around the roof edges – these two metals are great for keeping away mold in the future.  The roofing in Littleton is some of the best and roof inspections should be done if you suspect mold on your roofing.

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