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Time To Update Home Exteriors Windows Roof

Beyond their aesthetics, windows are important because they protect your home from climatic factors, while allowing natural light into the house.

When they are damaged, windows cannot perform their functions and therefore need to be repaired or replaced. On average, most windows have a lifespan of about 20-25 years. On the other hand, if you were not the owner of the house when the windows were installed, you may want to replace them sooner, to change the style or improve the energy efficiency of the house.

There are signs that experts like Blue Ox Exteriors say that can help you determine when it is time to change the windows of your house.

  • Your energy bills are high, but the indoor thermal comfort is not great

This can be an indicator that the existing windows no longer prevent the air transfer between the exterior and the interior, so your HVAC system will consume more for heating/ cooling the house.

  • Windows have problems with the correct opening and closing

When opening and closing the windows doesn`t go smoothly anymore, besides the extra effort you have to do, you will also experience thermal discomfort and even safety issues.

  • The window frames are deformed

The degradation of the frames will affect the overall efficiency of your windows.

Although replacing windows may seem like a necessary evil that you would rather avoid, there are, in fact, many benefits it brings, because modern windows are designed to comply with strict energy safety and efficiency regulations.



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